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Preformative helmet made out of bent willow, and a college design which was  applied using a paper mache technique

Preformative helmet made out of bent willow, and a cemigram design which was  applied using a paper mache technique.  (exhibited in the underexposed exhibition allow with a video.)

3D plaster, chicken wire, and collage helmet made as part of a performative costume.

Brain Drain is an interactive experiment made by Maria.

Participants are asked to create their own dyslexic brain using the props and helmet provided.  On the completion of the structure they are asked to capture an image and post this picture on Instagram under the hashtag #braindrainlsad

(shown in the project object exhibition)

This series of works was made in response to Marias dyslexia report. 

There are 14 pages in the report. She shredded each page and then tried to piece them back together in different ways

This looks at the out of the box thinking the most dyslexics process. 

This work deals with a response Maria got in her Art college after she asked a number of students on there opinion on dyslexia. 

She then used sewing to imprint all 36 responses into a old children Latin book. 

This highlights idea of the lack of understanding of language. ( shown in the drawing awards exhibition)

These works are further manipulation of Marias dyslexic reports. The first she blacked out using blackboard paint and kept the letters spelling out dyslexia, them circled in chalk. 

The second the dyslexia report was placed in a puddle and jumped on.  

 © 2023 by Agatha Kronberg. Proudly created with

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