Maria Mcsweeney
Sounds of the city video explores the sounds within Limerick City and Marias reacted to these sounds through thew median of contemporary dance. These photos captured are the light drawings her body made in response to the sounds being played.

Shapeshifter is a cyberflaneur who stems from the sixth dimension of the string theory. This heterotopic world exists parallel to our own forth dimensional world. He doesn’t speak our language. He communicates with us through dance like movements, and analogue dance scores of the actions which he then projects onto his form.
He is dissatisfied with the capitalist, consumerist society that exists in this technological age. He wants to break the daily rhymes and actions that humans perform in the structural landscape of Limerick city.
Shapeshifter a character from the 6th dimension within the string theory performing in the 4th diminution of our world. It has noticed that within Limerick most of the humans go about their daily lives obeying the rhythms and patterns embedded in spaces within the urban structural landscape .It wants to elevate repressed spaces found in Limerick city by performing in a playful humorous dance like rhythm. (greenscreen and college)
Shapeshifter a character from the 6th dimension within the string theory performing in the 4th diminution of our world. It has noticed that within Limerick most of the humans go about their daily lives obeying the rhythms and patterns embedded in spaces within the urban structural landscape .It wants to elevate repressed spaces found in Limerick city by performing in a playful humorous dance like rhythm. (greenscreen and 16mm film)
Shapeshifter performing with a helmet made from a distorted version of the canal space. It wants to distort the everyday performing action that the space perceived and elevate it by performing in a more humorous and playful way.
'Three time around and its illegal'
If you drive around a round about more then three times it breaks the law.
The helmet gave Maria a the licence as a character to perform in a humorous and absurd way. This character likes to go against the normal preformative actions within a space and make the space more playful and strange. (displayed in the underexposed exhibition)
'Scolds Bridle of Shame'In this piece Maria wears a bridle she made herself to obscure her communication with us. It was used in medieval times to stop people from talking. She reads allowed statements she has gathered from other dyslexics about they negative and positive experiences with dyslexia. This piece explores the ideas of shame surrounding dyslexia and how people with dyslexia sometime have trouble articulating themselves.
'Verwirrt' is a preformative Experimental video comprised of digital footage and film stills. Maria created this piece while on her artist residency in Gallerie 102 Berlin. This video displays the emotion and confusion felt as a dyslexic in the foreign city of Berlin. She was unable to communicate or understand the language. ( exhibited in Displaced exhibition)
'Verzerrt ' is a preformative experimental film comprised of digital footage and film stills. Maria created this piece while on her artist residency in Gallerie 102 Berlin. This video displays the confusion and claustrophobic feelings of a dyslexic experiencing the tube in Berlin. The tube for a non native speaker can feel isolating and distorting surrounded by native German speakers. ( exhibited in the Displaced exhibition)
This video is a document of each analogue photograph she took at each of 12 park performances. Maria conducted a performance in each district of Berlin. These photographs by there circular moment throughout the video question the feeling of distortion, dizziness and confusion of a dyslexic i the foreign city of Berlin. Each photo is also laid out in it geographical position of each district where it was taken in the city. They Maria feels looks at the lack of communication between east and west Germany during war times. This is then mirrored by her lack of communication within Berlin and the fellow muteness of the statues.
This video is a document of each digital photograph she took at each of 12 park performances. Maria conducted a performance in each district of Berlin. Each photo is also laid out in it geographical position of each district where it was taken in the city. They Maria feels looks at the lack of communication between east and west Germany during war times. This is then mirrored by her lack of communication within Berlin and the fellow muteness of the statues.
This documentation style of video looks at all the preformative videos Maria made in the tube stations in Berlin. These videos look at confusion, isolation, and the dizziness of being in a confined space with lack of communication to talk to the people around you.
Interview with Marias mother accompanied by 35mm slide video in Latin. This video explores the theory that the development of a twin language is the reason form why Maria and Clara (Marias twin sister) are dyslexic.(shown in the peak show exhibition)
This video explores the guilt and shame that surround dyslexia in a school setting. This video was an experimental automatic writing video. Both sisters didn't know what they were going to write, or how they were going to write it. Due to similar life experiences and memory's the writing turned out strangely similar.( shown in the peak show and space to screen exhibitions)
This version of Brain Drain used Marias three dimensional dyslexic brain she created to make a preformative video on 16mm Film. The film explores the themes of distortion and confusion triggered by dyslexia. (shown in the we are the proposers exhibition)
Experimental video work about dyslexia. Maria used these videos she made as an inspiration for the video the twin language of dyslexia. (shown in the Dadaism exhibition)